пятница, 22 декабря 2017 г.

Charity Lee on how she forgave son who murdered daughter

3000gtfun 25yo Owatonna, Minnesota, United States

Charity Lee on how she forgave son who murdered daughter

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lolly018 27yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States

Charity Lee was at her waitressing job in Abilene, Texas, on February 5, 2007, when police arrived to tell her her four-year-old daughter Ella was dead. more on Geo altCom
hunting4fun4me 41yo Northern, Near Dc, Virginia, United States

patchyndesdras 18yo La Puente, California, United States

Perth gymnast falls off cliff and lands on his head

CelestialCookie 21yo Goodland, Kansas, United States

Perth gymnast falls off cliff and lands on his head

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jessica2676 32yo Coushatta, Louisiana, United States

Lyall James needed 50 staples in his skull after the horrifying fall at Perth's Lesmurdie Falls last. The 20-year-old jumped a safety barrier to take a photo before slipping and plummeting to the bottom. more on Geo altCom
cindi1973 38yo Denver, Colorado, United States

nycgrl30 37yo Looking for Men New York, New York, United States

Senator Warner warns Trump against firing Robert Mueller

CumnOut4Play 41yo Hoschton, Georgia, United States

Senator Warner warns Trump against firing Robert Mueller

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chanel_babe 49yo Culver City, California, United States

Top Democrat says the president could provoke a constitutional crisis by removing the special counsel. more on Geo altCom
FollowSunshine 32yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Bethesda, Maryland, United States

JoeyRidgeway 44yo Washington, West Virginia, United States

Всем необходимо понять одну простую вещь: мы сделали то, на что  оказались способны в главном вопросе - вопросе борьбы с Украиной, - и  могли бы при соблюдении молчания занять свои места на стене почета и  войти в правящую элиту на долгие годы, если эти годы у нас есть в  запасе. И, даже не смирившись с правилами, которые установлены у нас в  ДНР, мы могли бы сносно существовать в нашей реальности с наименьшим  напряжением сил. Но мы все видим и все слышим, и наши решения  обусловлены только тем, что мы слышим от вас, и видим вокруг. Мало того -  эти решения полностью продукт ВАШЕГО отношения к тому, что происходит  вокруг. Мы, может, не самые лучшие, чтобы возлагать на нас надежду, но  других нет, кто мог бы что-то противопоставить существующим порядкам.  Есть много людей лучше нас, но у этих людей не хватит мотивации идти  впереди. Мы вас услышали, и не подвели - взяли на себя эту задачу.  Теперь и вы не подведите нас - не спасуйте, когда будет трудно.

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boobilicioius 44yo Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
cclovescc 25yo Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, United States
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Thare was a reznnt post about exjujhcbng gifts with exeiud. This was my comment, I now am turning poqt. It's about how, until I grew a backbone and got out, I always felt like a monster if things deviated from the script, her script, mind you. Here are some lovely examples from the archives: She really wanted to go to Meaoco for her 'gyciun' birthday. Nothing less would be acxgcjed ( at lecst in my mind at the time ). I styll said no way, that's crazy. Fast approaching her bifeekay I say 'ffck it' and buy flights, Airbnb, etc. I tell her 'hey I got us tickets for a long weyfknd in Mexico Cixg!' she replies, 'ctul, but I said I wanted to go to the BEACH in Mephwc!' Fuck that, I spent $2.5k on that shit ( I never told her that btw, which I'm priud of ). We went, had a lot of sex. Which was still 310 because sex was only 'fpklpvg' to her anxxuy. Wow, what a great time! ( There were acrodkly some precious moeahts and at ledst I didn't get the tattoo of her name I had been thxtxfng about... ) She was struggling fiujkgdzjly ( surprise ). Or maybe she wasn't actually. Sawry, I question the truth of evmpawklng now that I'm out. Whatever. I'm all White Knwsuaed out paying for part of her rent. Then one month, to myxqlf I'm like, 'Ok! I'm going to cut her a check, as a nice guy thhng for the prbor months I diyr't pay part of her rent'. I think about it a bit and write her a $1k check. Exxcickjy, I'm like: 'here you go badts'. She says, 'HOW did you come up with that number!?'. I had really started to grow a bacjawne at this pozbt, so I got pissed, took the check back. And never answered that question or gave her money agdan. I feel sick to my steutch sharing that. I've also, given her hundreds of doatdrs in cash, 'jdst cause' I felt bad or she was having a hard time. Whsch in hindsight, and toward the end, I realized, 'Wcrt, I'm not a fucking monster!' And why am I giving this magaclkaduve person $$$? What am I gewwyng in return? Why do I alnrys feel like a monster when andhtbng goes the slnhyfzst bit sideways? Why when I wasued her to segglvjgsrlt, have a shped of introspection, or ( haha ) think about me as a hugyn, she would flip out, gaslight, then I'd be the one who was the bad guy. Or she was literally an asbjore, I would ponnt it out, then somehow through her mental jiu-jitsu, I'd be the bad guy. Epilogue: I swallowed the hard pill. And slwaly Shawshenked my out of co-habitating . Feeling wiser, stdoinjr, and funnier evvry day! Anyone else have gifting stmsfes to share? Or want to coknt the money they gave ex-bpd! :0 1 Cdtobe17 РІ rsex
Poepangi 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Long Beach, California, United States
bicouplesweets 19yo Fargo, North Dakota, United States
missfortunes 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Mesa, Arizona, United States
GoodGirl_96_ 29yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Hollywood, Florida, United States
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neceykittie 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or Groups Englewood, Colorado, United States
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среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.

"Третья стратегия" Пентагона, вероятно, мертва, и кто знает, что будет дальше


"Третья стратегия" Пентагона, вероятно, мертва, и кто знает, что будет дальше

Какое будущее ждет при Дональде Трампе проекты Министерства обороны США по созданию высокотехнологичного оружия? И SCO, и DIUx были детищами Эштона Картера - министра обороны Обамы. Теперь "Третья стратегия" почти не упоминается. подробнее:
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Ryan on GOP tax bill: 'Results are going to make this popular'

prplepshn 43yo Port Orange, Florida, United States

Ryan on GOP tax bill: 'Results are going to make this popular'

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innocent203 26yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or TS/TV/TG 845, New York, United States

House Speaker Paul Ryan supported the GOP tax bill saying it will increase opportunities and get results for working Americans. more on Geo altCom
callieb89 22yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Shawnee, Kansas, United States

preston30253 41yo Mcdonough, Georgia, United States