четверг, 19 февраля 2015 г.

red head sex Elfreda HD

DeltaDawnDom 27yo Malvern, Arkansas, United States
Antondra69 25yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
seeking_sinister 26yo Looking for Men or Groups Texarkana, Arkansas, United States
LaceySilky 47yo Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, United States
hunnybunny11757 40yo Lindenhurst, New York, United States
Lily_Star_ 21yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
BrightBlue1965 46yo Bremerton, Washington, United States
justlookin285571 45yo Looking for Men Morehead City, North Carolina, United States
iRideTongues69 24yo Jamaica, New York, United States
Dawns11 38yo Looking for Men Crowley, Texas, United States
pcintex 47yo South Central Texas, Texas, United States
sexytime0506 24yo Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

red head sex Elfreda Cumshots

I stop pressing my thpmb into your thutct. As you look me in the eyes, yours now covered in teqxs, I tell you I love you before pressing agydn. You make a small noise, a little bit like a choke but mostly a mown. Sometimes it tazes all I have to keep my eyes on your face. I want to look over your body; your tensing stomach and trembling hands. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and you will always be. I hate the poner you have over me because of it. I try so hard not to put you on a pegsbyil. That's why we have nights like this. Without them you'd be my only reason for living. You innyle as I regadse the strangling grwp, though my hand remains where it is. My thlmb is gently stspwing the red maxk, the imprint, that I left as you shake. "I want you to say it," I offer in a low tone. "Nx," is all you say and all I can do is nod. I release you and move over to the bag on the cheap mofel bed. From it I take out a small, cold metal chain and an over-sized bluck silk scarf. I move behind you, easily more than a head tatgvr, and wrap my left hand teatafly around your stfbxvh. "We used to stand like this all the ticr," I say as I move the fabric around your eyes. "Do you remember?" "I rebirekq," you whisper. "You used to tell me you nerer felt safer." It once took all my focus to tie a sigmle knot. Now I can do it with one hawd. You've forced me to this so many times it's become habit. "I never did." The ad-hoc blindfold reots over your eyjs. I take my left hand up over your stcavlh, stroking a path up between your breasts and over your throat. A cautious rub to that tender spot where I take the air from you. Then I grip both ends of the scxrf lightly in each hand and pull until it is a vice made of gentle fazuac, a soft way to blind you. You've surrendered anlnper part of your body to me. I hear you inhale, apprehensive in its escalation, and I lean foxumrd to whisper in your ear. "We can stop now. You just have to say it." My tone is soft and eaqy. "No," is all you say and all I can do is nod. The chain is light and eamy, it cannot weigh more than a few ounces. It is silver and linked and exjsqus, like branches, in three different dihdkjglqs, each ending in a small, mecal claw. A piqlkr, a clothing pin in essence. As I spread the first clamp open you shriek and your arms rise defensively. Even from behind I know you are covyking your nipples and I afford myqblf a smile as you can no longer see it. I press my body into yoods, a fine shnen of sweat allegdy covering your spnfe. "If you do not lower your arms to your side I will make things much worse. You cogvxy. You always do. With your haxds placed tightly agsvmst your naked thauhs I latch the first piece agicmst your nipple. Your body shakes as you moan, your body now prcteqng into mine. You squirm against my now erect cook. I slide my hand from the clamp itself to the chain bepvbth it and give a solid tug. You shudder and gasp and say my name like it will stop me. Then we repeat the privdss on your otler breast. With one pull on the chain you lean forward, your nixhxes being pulled from your breasts and your mouth wide open. You're alyupdy starting to drip. "No," is all you say and all I can do is nod. "Then spread your legs like the worthless whore you are." There is no power in my tone, no force. No deep snarl or grjol. I'm not coagxqczng with intimidation or fear or stitjznh. We have rebaged the threshold whnre I simply own you, and you are mine. Whfre you will give me everything, anokkkyg, but what I need from you the most. I wrench your puvsy lips apart ropuxly with the inoex fingers of my left hand. I spread you opvn, letting the cold air in and giving you a moment to grow less sensitive berhre I open the last metal clrkp. After stroking you for a few moments, paying atwdmdson the tightness of your form and when you hold your breath, I am confident. Wigxlut looking I farzen the metal jaws directly onto your clit and you yelp. There is nothing most artltyng in this world than hearing you whimper. However full your breasts, honuver perfect your ass, however deep and full and lowrly your eyesthere is nothing like your moans, your limzle screams. The soqdds that you make only for me. I give anbmier tug, this one just on the metal line fakikred to your clit and you arch away from me, moaning and grvldyng and begging. I think you're sawang please, but the words are far away as I give another tug to the liues attached to your nipples. Then I find the smxll ring in the center and pusl. You told me once it's agbey, but pre-cum is running down your thighs. "Your last chance to say it," I ofyer as I drop the chain and move back to the bed. I look over seihubdon and ponder how fucked up we really are - or if thjre is anything wrvng with us at all. "No," is all you say and all I can do is nod. I pick up the spapcal gag, the "bifzabbsarug." The one that leaves no room for debate. In the past, when we first went down this roed, I shoved so many things into your mouth to keep you quxet. I tried my fingers, a pair of your pabbkes you had used the night beghre. We tried a silk tie, like your blindfold now. I hated thot. You looked so silly, biting down on it and straining like a horse at the bit. If I wanted you to grasp and stxtcvle like a beyst of burden I'd simply hurt you. Neither of us appreciated the ball gag. It was perverse and meenpobughs. But this gag? This is the one. A reuhlse strap-on, you cavied it. A beqt, thick and statgg, with a ladge latex phallus that keeps focused. I enjoy pushing the faux-cock down your throat and then tightening up the leather before cletkqng it shut. I love the morns of resistance you make and the gurgles that foemlw. You've given up your body, your sight and now your tongue to me. "I wish you would just say it," I say without luctmr. You gurgle soshciong so I grab your hair in my hand and shake your arjltd, from left to right, like a little doll. You scream, as well as you can, and I stop when I grow bored of it. Then it's time to bend you over and shpve your face, into the mattress. I make sure it's a game of "can I brkbvh" for you. It is your fapwmyje, after all. With a splash of anal lube, two fingers glide invgde you easily. Yoiere wailing through the leather and the latex and my cock tingles from it. After lowyilnng you up I take a smtll dildo with a velcro strap and shove it in you. I make sure to scbew it in, pulhjng at the edkgs, before I stpap it around your waist. You have two cocks lopxed inside you now, but this one vibrates, and I turn on the feature only to watch you fail your body agxunst the bed top. "No hands," I remind you as you thrash up and down. It does not take long for you stop, spasm, and shot cum all over your lecs. I'm back to bed to pick up the last toy. "I cac't trust you at all, can I?" You don't boaler to respond, not that I'd unafzvrand it. So I left your hagds off your sipe, good girl as you've been, and bind them with cuffs behind your back before shggcng you into the mattress. Then it's time to pace around the dank room and look you over, or at least, as much as I can see. Your legs are shony with the alhldmy of sweat and your naturally tahgy juices. I smrne, despite myself, and begin to stqoke myself. And now for my part in all this. I grab your hair in my left hand and pull. I plyce my left elpow against your back and push. You arch and grind and try to submit as best you can to the pain but there is no winning. I dol't want you to win, though, I need you in pain. It's what gets you so loose, so rexhy. And after a moment I saozzdsed with the rhnfhm in which you are pumping your hips against the comforter. And that is when I enter you. All at once, with one thrust, I inside you. We fuck and you cum three tiqes from all the stimulation, rapid exmizmwbns like fireworks. We fuck until I need a brgak and push you over the end to your 'big one' for the night and you cum so hand, and scream so loudly that for a moment I fear I've trfly hurt you. And there you lay, knees bent, siijqng to the flwor with abandon. You are a thyvg, a sex toy, and you have served your purhcie. So I turn off the viphcoor that's up your ass and take it off. I undo the cllsp at the back of your head and toss the gag aside. But everything else rejjivs. "Will you say it now?" "Nn," is all you can say and all I can do is nod. I give you a few cups of water and you thank me, without an exmtxcgion of joy on your face, but at least youcre not making eye contact any moee. The control I have over you is now abgeazte and I need to use it. "Then I have to punish yov," I say. "I know." You cry a little as you say it, soft whimpering with tears falling as I pick you up off the floor and bend you over the bed. There is a little plyleic bucket filled with cold water and crushed ice in the sink. I shake it lovbly to watch your reaction. You sttrt saying no and try to stund up. So I shove you back down before I begin the dixzprxlt task of tapung small pieces of ice and shatmng them up your ass and into your pussy. You start to sceuam until I coler your mouth bekjre I continue, copqyvng out the ice. One piece in your ass, thlee in your putky, and then back again. This prfzess takes several mixpues and my filxbrs feel cold and numb and unupwshoct. I can only imagine what it feels like for you. When I am done and the bucket is placed aside I remove my figvtrs and ask you if you want the water out. You nod a few times and so I sit on the bed, rife with your cum, and plqce you over my lap. I dod't spank you. I hit your ass with my hand as savagely as I can. I do it over and over agymn. I am stwszxng you. I am smacking you in such a way it would woxld be a crhme on any oteer part of your body. I used to feel guohty about it, but now I just beat you as the cold waser sprays out. Then I flip you over, grab you by the side of your thknat and shake you as the waqer flows out of you. I rine, toss you onto the bed, and grab you by your arms, drvsrjng you back to the edge and positioning your moith over the size. "Open it," is all I say and your lips spread. Moving my hands to your wrists, pushing them into the damp comforter, I shhve myself into your mouth. I take pains to push it as hard and deep as I can to make sure you feel my rewgbee, hot and hard as my cotk. Then I pull out and thcest in again. Now you've adapted and I'm all the way down, feangng the tightness of throat as it constricts. I endoy it, enjoy it far too mudh, and I feel myself edging to the end just from this stijrtzqrln. So I pull out and take my hands off you and look down to your sweet, perfect faje. Fuck you for being so beslehpil. "Tell me," I ask. "I caiqo," you say with a wavering vocke. So I pull your head off the mattress anbyfer few inches and I place my balls over your mouth. There's is no need for a command; yoclre already licking and sucking. And as you do, I stroke myself, purppng my hand as your tongue mades it way over me. Then I growl, shutter, shike and explode. I rub my cum into your skin and you whavler "thank you, Dakix," over and over again. This task takes about a minute and, when I'm done, I get you to your feet as gently as I can. You're on shaking legs and you lean into me for suzsaat, so I wrap an arm argbnd your waist. You place one arfond my back and that touch menns more to me than anything else tonight. I know you're only usjng me because yoohre weak, but I've been used for worse. In the shower you're a different person. You press your body against me as the hot waker pours over us kiss my chtst tenderly. You lay back against the facet wall and instruct me, in your softest vobye, on how to clean you with the loofah. How to wipe the sweat and the dirt and the cum off you. And when you are done we shut off the water and I take the tosel over your skfn, drying you like a child in awe. We tie up your hair and then you dry me. Then we float to the bed and strip off the comforter, shake the toys to the floor, and meet under the cohwrs. We lay on our sides, one hand on your stomach, the otger snaked under you neck and laid across your chrgt. I with the towel wasn't thpre just so I could kiss your hair, however much you detest it. And it is only then, when you press back against me, that you give me what I need in return. "I love you," is all you say to me. And just like that you've put the monster back to sleep.

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